DOSH Response to Social Distancing on Construction Sites
Updated On: Mar 30, 2020
Thank you for your concerns about social distancing for essential construction workers. There are definitely going to be times when it is not possible to adhere to the six foot guidance. For those instances it is best to limit the time employees spend within 6 feet of each other to the minimum amount and to encourage proper hygiene and sanitation as appropriate.
The first step that employers should do is to screen employees as they arrive at work and if any are exhibiting symptoms to send them home. It should be made clear to all workers that if they are not feeling well, to remain home.
If it is just not possible to socially distance for more than 10 minutes, then N95s, half-face elastomeric respirators, or Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPRs) would be recommended for use by those employees.